Dr. Antriksha Bhasin
Cosmetologist -

Dr. Antriksha Bhasin is the new generation best cosmetologist, who is having the power to convert an average face into a beautiful face. She is passionate about her work and is keen to help you to understand all the keen details of your concerns with utmost truth and sincerity. She is wonderfully warm and approachable. You can seek her insights as unhesitatingly as you do with your BFF!
While Dr. Antriksha has experience in treatments for pigmentation, acne, acne scarring, stretch marks, skin tightening and more, her true powers lies in PRP and Laser therapies. She believes in the concept of low impact cosmetic procedures which cause minimal pain and discomfort. These procedures now have globally proven efficacy in helping people look their best by non-invasive and non-surgical means.
Over the years, Dr. Antriksha has become an expert in treating different skin conditions using Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, Intensive Pulse Light Photofacials, Q-Switched LASERS, Radiofrequency for Skin tightening, No Needle and needle Mesotherapy, PRPs for facial rejuvenation and Anti Aging and Vampire Face lift, Dermarollers and Electrocautery. She like to also keep up with the emerging and evolving new technologies, techniques and innovative research to consistently deliver the best possible results.




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